In these sessions, I guide you on a journey within to heal and integrate all parts of yourself, move towards greater and greater degrees of wholeness, and embody higher and vaster versions of your Self.

What is a guided integration session?

A 60-minute Zoom session where I support you with the specific circumstances of your life via integration modalities such as inner child work, parts work, and Internal Family Systems (IFS).

What these sessions look like:

At the beginning of the session, you describe what you’re currently moving through in your life and what you’d like support with. I then ask you to close your eyes or look down, and for the rest of the session I guide you through a journey within to connect with, heal, and integrate the parts of you that are seeking integration through your current life experiences. Sometimes, we’ll find that there are parts with conflicting needs and/or desires. In that case, we’ll work to resolve these needs conflicts and create an inner environment of harmony between all parts of yourself. At the end of the session, I will guide you to open your eyes and come back into the room to ask questions or share about your experience for the remaining few minutes.

The way I facilitate these sessions is very intuitive and transpersonal. These sessions are designed to be bi-directional, meaning they’re designed to help you connect with your inner children while also calling in the energy of your Higher Self. 

Integration work is based on the understanding that difficult experiences, intense emotions, and triggers in our lives can serve as portals to connect us with parts of ourselves that need healing. When we help these parts heal and facilitate an integration process with them, we cultivate compassion and love for all parts of ourselves, reconnect with our essential nature, rediscover our wholeness, and experience profound relief as a result of coming Home to who we truly are.

We also often become clearer about how to navigate our current life circumstances. It is through healing these pieces of our past that we gain insight into the next right step for us to take in the present.

My background:

After healing my addiction with these integration modalities 8 years ago through self-study, I then received formal training at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado where I completed a Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a concentration in Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling.

Transpersonal Psychology is a field that blends spirituality with modern psychology, creating a holistic approach to healing and self-actualization that honors the mind, body, and spirit.


$160 per session.