If you’d like channeled support around a life issue you’re currently navigating, I offer personalized channeled readings from Oneness.

What do these sessions look like?

A 60-minute Zoom session where I channel the consciousness of Oneness—the divine essence we all share.

These are interactive sessions where I close my eyes and open the channel to Oneness, you ask questions, and I speak the answers I receive from Oneness.

These sessions are for you to receive personalized channeled support from Oneness around the specific circumstances of your life.

How to prepare:

Come prepared with any of the following:

—Various life issues/themes you’re currently navigating + questions you want answered about them

—Patterns you would like to shift + questions you want answered about them 

—Spiritual or psychological topics of interest + questions you want answered about them

*It’s best to come prepared with many topics and questions, but throughout the session you may receive messages from Oneness that spark entirely new questions and a desire to go in entirely new directions. Feel free to make this session your own and go in whatever direction you’d like, asking whatever questions feel most relevant for you in the moment.

Some example questions:

What do I most need to know about _____?

How can I _____?

Why is this situation in my life happening?

What am I learning from _____? How is it serving my spiritual evolution?

What’s the bigger picture of this situation? Can you help me see the greater perspective?

Are there any patterns playing out in this situation that would be good for me to shift?

Do I have any blind spots around this situation that would be helpful for me to look at?

Do you have any guidance about this decision I’m trying to make?

Are there any action steps I can take around _____?

Am I on the right track around _____ or are there ways it might be helpful for me to pivot in some way?

I’m feeling stuck in regards to _____. What can I do?


$160 per session.